Monday, January 31, 2011

Veterans Memorial

Today I visited our local Veterans Memorial. It is very nice and I am glad they built this here just a few years ago.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

House Mountain State Park

Today I was feeling better and I thought I couldn't pass up a 62 degree day in January, so I picked a trail to hike. I didn't think it would be challenging based on others reviews. I was wrong. I hacked a lung up while Bryan's feet were killing him all the way up a steep hill. We did make it to the top and we are glad we did because the view was great.
I took some more pictures throughout the hike that I will share over the next couple of days.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


I am missing a few pictures because I had a horrible flu-like virus and bronchitis Wednesday through Saturday so I was slacking on the picture taking. Here is the first thing I wanted to eat after a few days.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Operation Homefront Business Cards

I got my business cards for my job at Operation Homefront. I love them! I cropped them because I don't want the world web to know my number.

Monday, January 24, 2011

New Military ID

Monday we had to renew my military ID. It has expired the day before so I had to get it done. They said Bryan needed to update his since he is now permanently retired so we got that done too. We only have a small airbase around here so that is where we had to get it done. This is one of the planes on the base.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

7 islands refuge

Today I convinced my husband to take our dogs and go with me to my favorite place. 7 islands wildlife refuge is my quiet place. I have spent a lot of time there through when the PTSD monster would surface. No one is ever there and the views are amazing. I couldn't pick just 1 so I am going to include 2.

This one is a picture of giantic thorns.
Next is the mountain view

Support Group

One of my fellow Wounded Warrior Wives friend's is starting her own support group after attending a retreat Operation Homefront sent her on. I am helping her out and I went to a meeting Saturday with her and a lot of veteran supporters to get this kicked off. I am very proud of her and can't wait for it to start.
Here is the outline and logo she is hoping to use.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

World's Fair

This is the Sunsphere that was at the center of the World's Fair. It opened on May 1, 1982 (the day before I was born), and closed on October 31, 1982 after receiving over 11 million visitors.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


I was given some paperwhite bulbs for Christmas. I have never grown these before but I was suprised at how fragrant they are. Here is the first bloom.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


We got another dog a few months ago. We adopted her from the shelter and we thought Trixie would love having a new playmate. We had no idea how many issues came with a stray dog. However now she is doing much better and we do love her.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


My husband took a LOT of medications after he was hurt. It would take me an hour to sort them out. Now he is on much lower doses and doing better. Here is his current line up.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Baby Shower

We went to Huntsville, AL for my cousins baby shower.

My cousin is an identical twin and is having fraternal twin girls. So exciting!

Friday, January 14, 2011


I can't believe I am posting this but my husband decided this should be my photo of the day. I was so sick with a 24 hour stomach bug. He thought it would be funny to take my picture first thing in the morning. I didn't get out of bed to take another picture so I guess I have no choice but to post it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


This is our amazing dog, Trixie. We got her the day after Bryan was medically retired from the Army. He always wanted a dog and once he was out of the military we decided it was time. She is a brilliant Basenji mix and has been a great addition to our family.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Ready for Summer

I am tired of the snow! I am ready for summer and to be able to use our jet ski.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Candy Bowl

My husband and I have a sweet tooth but his seems to be worse than mine. We always have some sort of candy or cookie laying around. Here is the remaining Christmas candy.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

We were snowed in all day today. It was a welcomed break from a busy weekend. After breakfast I looked at my husband and asked if he wanted to go out and build a snow man. He got a big grin on his face and agreed to it. The snow was too fluffy for a snow man but we pulled out his snowboard from when he lived in Germany and I gave it a go down our hill. We also used an empty bag of dog food as a sled. We had a great day filled with child-like fun.

Sunset over NY

Last weekend was spent in Albany, NY at an adaptive ski clinic for wounded warriors. We had an amazing time and this was the sunset in the plane on our way back.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Tubing with Bryan

It might be against the rules of Project 365 to post a video but this was so much fun I had to share. After a full day of skiing we got to tube at night. We were cracking up!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Mono Skiing

My husband monoski's due to his injuries. It isn't hard on his legs and he happens to be great at it. He was an amazing skier before he got hurt. When he was stationed in Germany he skied the Austrian Alps almost every weekend. He was so upset when he thought he could never ski again but he can now.
Here is Bryan getting reading to hit the slopes.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


I love a fireplace on a cold night. We are in NY skiing with a bunch of America's Heroes. We are blessed to be here and this was my view from dinner last night.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Snow Topped Hydrangea

It is pouring snow here today in my southern state. Since we don't get snow that often it makes everything more beautiful. I took a picture of one of my dormant endless summer hydrangea's. They bloom all summer a beautiful "Nikko Blue" and in the winter I leave the dried flowers on the bush. They looked beautiful covered in ice a few weeks ago but I think the snow compliments it best.
I promise all my pictures won't be plants or flowers but I do love them.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Shamrock Plant (Oxalis Triangularis)

I have a green thumb and love plants, trees, bulbs- you name it and I want to grow it. This is my favorite indoor plant- a Shamrock plant. It opens flat during the day, closes in to this shape at night, and puts on white flowers once a year. There are green and purple varieties and the purple is my favorite.

Monday, January 3, 2011


My husband has a brain injury in his frontal lobes but mainly on the left frontal lobe. He received 40 hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatments last year and is doing 40 more this year. I attended his 1 hour treatment this morning and it became my picture of the day. The tech said this is the same model that Michael Jackson had for whatever he used it for.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Red Wine

I had GERD and a hital hernia for many years before I had surgery and now live heartburn free. I was never able to drink wine until the Nissen Fundoplacation but now I can. This was my glass of Malbec with dinner.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Starting Project 365

Over the last 4 years my life has been a roller coaster. My husband was critically wounded while serving our country in Iraq. Life is going much better now and with a new outlook on life I decided to participate in Project 365. I received a new camera from my husband for Christmas and this is a great way to learn how to use it.

I appreciate life and all the beauty it entails and that is why I will be doing this project. I think it will help me to look at objects, things and people in a different light. My first picture is from New Year's at a Gala to benefit Pets2Vets: